It’s time to get
unstuck and thrive as a
Highly Sensitive Person

Get expert support, proven tools, and an understanding community for the growth and healing you need. Because you’re ready for a life that supports your Empowered Sensitive self.
life changed testimonial
“With Chris’s guidance, I was able to advocate for myself at work and move internally at my company to a job that's a much better fit...I was also able to transition out of my relationship and reclaim my sense of self. My entire life changed dramatically...I am more authentically *me* and more at peace with who I am than I have ever been...”

— Rachel C.

If you feel stuck or overwhelmed
and nothing seems to get you on track…

It may be because you’re a
Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

See if this sounds like you ↓
In your mind…
  • You often feel overwhelmed by your own thoughts, feelings, and reactions to things that happen in life
  • You put yourself down or view yourself as “not good enough”
  • You spend a lot of time procrastinating, scrolling, replaying past scenarios, or mentally “stuck” in some way, even though you want to make progress
in your mind
in your body
In your body…
  • You feel deeply affected by emotional experiences, environmental subtleties, and the energies of the people around you

  • You struggle with sleep, so you don’t have the energy to show up how you want to in life

  • Stress gives you an upset stomach, throat tightness, or other physical discomfort you can’t quite explain

In your relationships…
  • You rarely feel like your voice is heard by the people in your world

  • You can get deep or “intense” very quickly, which sometimes makes you feel like you’re “too much” for those around you

  • You avoid conflict, tolerate hurtful behavior for too long, and finally either blow up or completely shut down

In your relationships
Any of this sound familiar?

There’s nothing wrong with you.

As a Highly Sensitive Person,
You just have a unique set of needs

And it’s time for solutions that honor them.

 HSP, your most supportive path to healing and growth will include these 3 things:

Tools to calm
your body and 
regulate a sensitive
nervous system

HSPs can become easily overstimulated by the world around us. You need tailored tools designed for highly sensitive individuals to achieve physical ease and mental clarity.

Techniques for
self-compassion and empowerment
as an HSP

You may struggle more than others with negative self-talk or low self-worth. Improving your relationship with yourself starts by acknowledging and supporting your unique challenges as an HSP.

Guidance for healthy communication and relationship dynamics
as an HSP

HSPs can find it hard to assert our needs or navigate conflict. HSP-specific strategies can help you build a sense of safety around expressing yourself and establishing healthy boundaries.

Join Now

HSP Leader

Hi, I'm Chris

As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) with Complex Trauma (CPTSD), I’ve spent nearly a quarter of a century sharing what’s helped me and my clients change our lives for the better.

I’ve gathered proven, HSP-specific tools, techniques, and practices that have helped us go from stuck, overwhelmed, and misunderstood...

To motivated, self-compassionate, and secure in our connections with others…

…so we can experience the deep peace and joy we’re uniquely capable of as Highly Sensitive People.

If anything I’ve shared on this page has resonated with you so far, you deserve access to this in-depth support for sensitive individuals, too.


Featured on:

katu2 abc
News Channel 8

That’s why I’m honored to invite you into...

The Empowered Sensitive Membership

The empowered sensitive membership for HSP

Get proven tools, an understanding community, and HSP-specific techniques for the growth and healing you need. Because you're ready to break free from overwhelm, and step into a life that supports your Empowered Sensitive self.

Start your 7-day free trial today and receive immediate access to exclusive content and resources!

Join Now

Your membership gives you the tools to:

understanding High Sensitivity

Heal from chronic tension, stress, and overwhelm

Get expert support to tune into your unique set of needs as a Highly Sensitive Person. So you can start navigating life with less pain and frustration, and more peace and joy.

confidence and self compassion

Cultivate more confidence and self-compassion

Stop reliving patterns of hurt and shame. From growing your capacity for self-care to believing you’re “good enough,” find real solutions to heal your relationship with yourself as an HSP.

Relationships With Others

Improve your relationships with others

Learn specific tools and techniques to attract better relationships with others. Plus, connect with your new community of other Highly Sensitive People who understand your experiences.

Here’s everything you get…

The Empowered Sensitive Membership includes access to the following courses:

Nervous System Regulation

Release stress or trauma stored in your body, so you can finally access confidence, clarity, and calm in your daily life

  • Discover the power of "bottom-up" nervous system regulation to help ease the pain, stress, and tension that have become automatic stress responses for you
  • Overcome triggers so you can move out of flight, fight, and freeze, and into rest, digest, and recover
  • Add neuroscientist-recommended breathing methods to your toolbox, so you can calm yourself when stressful moments arise
  • Learn how to change the beliefs and mindsets that keep you stuck, so you can tap into a more "resourceful state"
  • Access a go-to list of simple yet effective activities to do in real time to regulate your nervous system instead of becoming reactive or shut down

Your sensitivity and/or trauma likely impact your nervous system more than you realize. Use this course to get more insight and control over your symptoms, behaviors, and state of mind, even in times of distress.


Build up your self-worth and break free of limiting beliefs, so you can achieve your highest potential

  • Learn the one emotion that feeds the feeling of "not good enough" the most, so it can stop having such a hold on your life
  • Address perfectionism, shame, "Imposter Syndrome," and other feelings holding you back, and learn how to work with your body and mind to overcome them
  • Use a powerful, proven hypnosis technique to improve your self-talk and support nervous system recovery.
  • Find out the surprising way that self-care affects your mind, and how you can start doable practices that improve your self-worth
  • Shift your mind from perfectionism to this one mindset that’s proven to serve you better
  • Examine your feelings of unworthiness, and use new personal insights to move toward your highest potential

Feeling like you're not good enough is such a pervasive block that can keep HSPs from being who you’re meant to be. Walk away from this course with powerful reframes to see yourself in a renewed, affirming, liberating way.

Highly Sensitive
Complex Trauma Recovery

Develop key skills to support better interactions and stronger connections with friends, family, partners, and coworkers

  • Find out the 3 core elements needed in a successful, loving relationship, so you can move toward the types of connections you want to have
  • Discover the importance of having your voice heard – and how to make sure it happens in a way that feels safe to you
  • Reveal the most important ingredient for consistently better interactions and relationships
  • Hear the most dangerous actions that you may not realize put your relationships at risk, and how to avoid them
  • Have an easier time navigating difficult conversations with the effective 3-step communication process I teach my clients
  • Implement the most powerful actions that build a thriving relationship
  • Pinpoint ways you may be sabotaging your relationship without realizing it, so you can take steps to strengthen it instead
  • Create more secure connection between both partners, so you feel more at ease even when navigating stress or conflict
  • Explore helpful ways to deal with heartbreak, healing, and starting over in relationships

Finish this course equipped with a simple road map of what your ideal relationships need, and what you can do to nourish and strengthen the connections in your life.

Join Now

Receive new content every month
as an active member


Start your membership with access to…

  • All modules and course content for my courses listed above
  • Guided imagery audios to help rewire limiting thinking patterns
  • Simple techniques to implement in your daily life for better self-talk and interactions
  • Guided hypnosis sessions designed to provide relief for Highly Sensitive People
  • Helpful workbooks, PDFs, and other tools to aid your progress

…and continue to receive new expert trainings, modules, videos, audios, workbooks, checklists, and more each month to keep you moving forward on your healing and empowerment journey as an HSP.

Plus, here’s all the support waiting for you inside The Empowered Sensitive Membership:



Live Q&A sessions

Hosted by me, exclusively for members.

Every member is welcome to join. You can ask questions in real-time or submit your questions before the call. Replays are available in your member library.

We’ll meet once a month to discuss helpful topics relevant to your journey as a Highly Sensitive Person. You can ask questions in real time or submit them before the calls. Replays are available in your member library within 48 hours.

Live Q&A call topics may include:

  • Dating and relationships
  • Building confidence
  • Getting "unstuck"
  • Overcoming procrastination
  • Breaking and creating habits
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Complex trauma recovery
  • Effective leadership, and more.

Use these calls to receive guidance and insights to create the best relationship with yourself and others. You can expect me to hold a safe, supportive space for you during these calls.

 24/7 access to your library

 Access your library of courses, hypnosis, techniques, and more, and receive new content each month. You start with the initial courses and content, and your library grows so you can continue developing your new skills as an HSP.

52 group livestreams


I’ll share helpful tools, mindsets, and inspiration each week in our private community to support your continued progress and healing.

You can participate in real time or watch later.

Private community Facebook group 

Be a part of an empowering, accepting private community of other Highly Sensitive People like you who understand and hold space for your challenges and successes. We’re here to support your progress so you don’t have to navigate healing alone.

Expert support when you need it

Our Support Coordinator helps guide and motivate the community with prompts to think about as you progress on your healing journey. You’ll also have access to our support team who’s here to answer any questions that may come up for you along the way.

Exclusive Member Benefits

As a member of The Empowered Sensitive Membership, you also get $100 off my Breakthrough Transformation Coaching program if you’re ready for higher-level support. Access other members-only discounts and special offers depending on the membership tier you choose. (See VIP membership for more).

Start your 7-day free trial today and unlock immediate access to exclusive content and resources!

Ready to find ease, empowerment, and success as a Highly Sensitive Person?

It's easy to join:

Choose your monthly, Quarterly, 12-Month or
12 Month VIP membership


Start your 7-day free trial today and receive immediate access to exclusive content and resources!

Your Empowered Sensitive Membership includes:

  • 24/7 access to your member library with NEW content each month including my powerful courses, techniques, and hypnosis sessions

  • Live Monthly Q&A Group Zoom calls with me (recordings are in your Member Library for 24/7 access)

  • 4 Livestreams with me each month (in private membership FB community)

  • Access to our members-only Facebook community with lots of support, encouragement, and other HSPs who understand your experiences


  • $100 off my Breakthrough Transformation Coaching program and other special offers and discounts


7-day trial

$42 $39



Sign me up


7-day trial

$117 $105

Every 3 Months

($39 $35 per month)

Sign me up


7-day trial
Most Popular

$384 $360


(only $32 $30 per month)

Sign me up

Want More?


7-Day Trial

Total Cost $480 $540
( $40 per month $45)

 Includes everything above ⬆️


  • 1 personal welcome and private messaging exchange with me in the first month (via FB, IG, or WhatsApp)
  • One monthly personal check-in via email or messaging from our Support Coordinator to discuss your progress and get personalized support for any questions that come up
  • EXTRA modules with more powerful tools and techniques in your library
  • $150 off my Breakthrough Transformation Program if you’re ready for higher-level support for your healing and growth as an HSP
Become a VIP Member Now

The Empowered Sensitive Promise

I get that the decision to invest in your inner healing and growth can bring up overwhelming thoughts and feelings. Especially as a Highly Sensitive Person who’s struggled to find tools that truly work for you.

But I’m 100% confident that the support in this membership can be life-changing for you as an HSP. So here’s my promise to you:

As a member of The Empowered Sensitive Membership, you will receive the best possible tools, courses, techniques, and support at my disposal from nearly a quarter of a century helping Highly Sensitive People gain confidence, peace, and healthier relationships.

I know the support in this membership will support the healing and growth you want. If you find that it doesn’t, you can cancel your membership at any time.

empower highly sensitive person

“I’m able to sleep at night. I’m confident in myself, I’m really grateful.”

“I’ve used what I learned and I don’t have as much anxiety anymore…I’m able to sleep at night. I’m confident in myself, I’m really grateful.”

— Heather A., School Counsler


“Chris has helped me immensely in areas of self-control, mental & physical healing, and confidence.”

“Chris has helped me immensely in areas of self-control, mental & physical healing, and confidence. She continues to help me in the art of communicating with others so I can maintain open and positive communication.”

— Lee Kitchens, Retired Veteran and Executive


“You saved my life and helped me stop the endless cycle of self-harm.”

"Chris, you have helped me so much…you have given me invaluable tools that I continue to use to live the life that I want. You saved my life and helped me stop the endless cycle of self-harm."

— Heidi T. Educator


HSP testimonial
“Chris offers a wealth of understanding, scientifically and otherwise, about the way HSPs are wired.”

“Chris Lyon has such wisdom and experience and offers a wide variety of tools and techniques to choose from on top of a wealth of understanding, scientifically and otherwise, about the way HSPs are wired. Her insight and help are simply invaluable to navigating one’s daily life and making the kind of changes that improve quality of life and how we experience it.”

— Susan B. Frank, CEO of Human Arts Productions


Know this…

You have so much potential to live a beautiful, empowered life

My work with Highly Sensitive People combines my lived experiences with science, logic, intuition, and empathy — to provide specialized tools you can use to make meaningful progress in your life.

I’m so confident that the support inside The Empowered Sensitive Membership can help you overcome feelings of overwhelm and stuckness...

And tap into the unique gifts and joys that come with being sensitive…

Because that’s exactly what these techniques and resources have done for me and my clients for more than 2 decades.

If you’re ready for proven, HSP-specific trainings, relatable discussion, and intentional courses to support the changes that you want, I invite you to join us inside TES.

No matter your decision today, I’m cheering you on as you move toward the person you’re meant to be.

Hope to see you inside,

Coach Chris M. Lyon

Ready to thrive as a
Highly Sensitive Person?

Yes, Join Now